AQ blog cover09 zdi 01

“Protecting Children on the Internet” in six Bosnian cities

As part of the campaign “Let’s not close our eyes! Let’s protect children on the Internet“, for the company m:tel we organized six panel discussions in the same number of cities in BiH, with the aim of education and prevention, that is, the inclusion of all subjects of society in the discussion about this problem.

This large and significant campaign was launched by m:tel in cooperation with Unicef ​​in BiH and “Blue Telephone”, and the mentioned events were an opportunity for the gathered to hear the words of experts who in their daily work encounter the problem of violence, abuse and protection of children from negative phenomenon in the digital age.

Sarajevo, Tuzla, Mostar, Trebinje, Bijeljina and Banjaluka are the cities where we organized events of an interactive nature, primarily intended for parents and experts (teaching staff in schools, pedagogues, psychologists, social workers…), but also for all other relevant participants in processes that include work with children and young people, and from which a unique message was sent – prevention should become a lifestyle.

Hundreds of participants in these panels are proof that the public recognizes the importance of a topic such as the safety of children on the Internet.

And we, as an agency, are proud to be a part of this socially responsible campaign, which is a kind of roadmap for how to provide our most valuable capital – our youngest – with a safe environment for growth and development in this undoubtedly digital age.

In the 2024/2025 school year. In 2018, we continue the “Protect children on the Internet” campaign by organizing workshops in educational institutions throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. It will be an opportunity for the experiences, concrete insights and advice of people from the profession to reach those for whose benefit we are doing all this, namely the students, that is, our youngest members of society, to whom we owe a safe (online) environment and therefore a healthy upbringing.